Moon - Copernicus & Montes Carpates

Copernicus & Montes Carpates

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Object: Moon, Copernicus & Montes Carpatus
Location: 51:53:13n 08:45:23e, Paderborn/Germany
Time/Date: 2003.09.19, 03:39UT
Conditions: Seeing 3/10, Transparency 6/10
Scope: Vixen VMC200L on Vixen New Polaris
Filter: Baader IR/UV cut
Camera: Philips ToUcam 740 pro
Capure software: Philips VRecord
Capture settings: I420 codec, 640x480pixels, 5frames/sec, 1/50s shutter speed
Stacking: 40frames out of 742 handselected and stacked in Registax 2.1
Sharpening: Registax 2.1 wavelet processing, Linear (Initial 1, Step 1)
Postprocessing: Photoshop, level correction, unsharp mask